Creating change

When you are in charge of driving change within your team or organization, it is important to understand what is the driving motivation with yourself and the individuals you are leading.

Without the knowledge of what deeply motivates your employees, you will not get the change done, or at least, it will not become a lasting change.

Many leaders and organizations make changes and try to get their employees onboard. However, too few understand what it takes to really motivate their employees for this change.

If you don’t know the individuals’ motivation and profile – you are at loss in helping them grow and create change.

When you lack understanding on how to handle your own triggers and motivation, it is hard to assist others in doing so.

Change occurs when we are deeply motivated and committed to the process of making change. It needs to be founded on our own convictions, needs and believes. Change does not happen just because some outside force tells us to change. No matter that being our boss, organization or spouse. We need to really feel the importance within us in order for the change to occur and to last.

How to understand motivation

There are several ways of creating this understanding.

  1. use a personality profile test. Not as a truth about you or the person you are helping. But as a starting point for reflection, discussion and understanding for potential growth and belonging.
  2. help yourself and your team understand their sub personalities. Within each person we have a set of sub personalities that are created from our childhood and teenage years. When undiscovered or unconscious these sub personalities are in charge of you, and you are their puppet.

Some believe that the sub personality truly is their whole identity. Much to their surprise when going through these exercises, that they are so much more.

The sub personalities are behaviors and strategies that have assisted us in getting our needs fulfilled and surviving our early years.

Unfortunately, when not recognized they keep playing their role within your life, as if your life still depend on it. Which it no longer does.

You are now an adult, and the crisis is over. However, your entire neurological system reacts as if you are still in the same environment, story, danger or crisis. So, they still act out and many times out of proportion.

When wanting to create change, either within your self or your team. Consider understanding the deeper motivation for change. Understanding your own needs in order to see the need within your team and employees.

This is how we develop Heartfelt and Authentic Leadership and our emotional intelligence.

Links and articles on this topic at:

  • Assagioli, R. (1965/2000). Psychosynthesis: A collection of basic writings. Synthesis Center, Hadley, MA: Commonwealth Printing.
  • Assagioli, R.(1967). Jung and Psychosynthesis. New York: Psychosynthesis Research Foundation. No. 19.
  • Assagioli, R. (1973). The Act of Will. Baltimore: Penguin Books. Brown, M. Y. (1983). The Unfolding Self. Los Angeles: Psychosynthesis Press.
  • Ferrucci, P. (1982). What We May Be. New York: Putnam’s Sons.
  • Firman, J. and Gila, A. (2002). Psychosynthesis: A psychology of the spirit. Albany: SUNY Press.
  • Hardy, J. (1996). A Psychology with a Soul: Psychosynthesis in evolutionary context. London: Woodgrange Press.
  • Parfitt, W. (2003). Psychosynthesis: The elements and beyond. Glastonbury, England: PS Avalon.
  • Russell, D. (1981). Psychosynthesis in Western Psychology. Psychosynthesis Digest, Vol. I